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Bosso coaching jobs candidates shortlisted

A final list of candidates to be considered for the vacant Bosso Coach and assistant Coach jobs has been made and will be considered this week as the Highlanders Executive seeks to have the issue of the new coach settled sooner rather than later.

The Chronicle has learnt that quite a number of candidates applied for the post with aspiring coaches applying from as far as Europe and South America. This‚ however‚ has not been confirmed officially as Bosso seeks to keep the deliberations secret.

Highlanders who have been on a downward trend are seeking to reinvent their machine ahead of the upcoming season. They seek a replacement for Dutch expatriate Erol Akbay who is not renewing his contact when it ends in December.

Speaking to the Chronicle acting Highlanders Chairman Morden Ngwenya confirmed they will announce the coach shortlist without divulging too much detail.

“I will be announcing names of the shortlisted candidates on Monday. We have received quite a large number of applications from both within and outside the country,” said Ngwenya.

Highlanders have been having a horrendous second half of the season that saw them move from title contention to very close to relegation. They are however now safe from the drop zone.

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