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Mangombe not yet ready for Warriors job —critics warn ZIFA NC

The ZIFA Normalisation Committee (NC) continues to keep football stakeholders guessing as far as the new Warriors coach is concerned, amid revelations that the recruitment process is not yet complete.

The Warriors coach possition fell vacant after the Lincoln Mutasa-led admistration decided not to extend Portuguese mentor Baltemar Brito’s tenure the helm of the country’s senior men’s national soccer team.

Mutasa told journalists at a media briefing last month that his administration would appoint the coach ‘in the next few weeks’.

Speculation has been rampant that Dynamos coach Genesis ‘Kaka’ Mangombe is the favorite to land the biggest coaching post in the country, but well-placed sources privy to on-goings at ZIFA, told Soccer24 that members of the NC are not in agreement on the appointment on the former Yadah mentor.

“He (Mangombe) is an option, but the NC is not at consensus as far as his appointed is concerned,” said the source.

“The recruitment process is not complete, some members within the NC believe they should just pick a coach while others insist the post should be applied for by anyone who is interested,” added the source.

At Dynamos, Mangombe took over from Herbert ‘Jompano’ Maruwa after the latter’s dismissal and guided the Harare giants to a third place finish in the league and Chibuku Super Cup success.

Despite his huge potential, handing Mangombe the responsibility to lead the Warriors might be suicidal, critics have argued, considering his lack of experience in international football.

Mangombe, after inking a two-year deal to become Dynamos coach on a permanent basis, is already burdened with ending the Harare giants’ ten-year league title drought,  as well as guiding them in the CAF Confederation Cup.

Adding the World Cup qualifiers to his list of tasks might turn out to be disastrous, critics have warned.

Football analyst Solomon Munganyi believes Mangombe, despite the bright future which lies ahead his coaching career, is not yet ready for the Warriors job.

“Genesis Mangombe was good as Brito’s understudy. He should be wary of accepting the offer because it may affect his growth as a coach since the expectations at national team level are different from club level,” said Manganyi.

“The burden as a bit heavier since one will be carrying the expectations of the whole nation. He needs to learn from the experienced and gain the valuable experience to coach at national level.

“As it stands, the Confederation Cup with Dynamos would be a blessing in disguise for him to gain management at international level hence need for him to concentrate on that, than taking two positions that require maximum concentration at international level. I’m  not sure how he will balance that.

“Lack of proper guidance is a downfall for many and ZIFA has to understand that if they need local coaches for national teams, they have to develop them stage by stage not to rush them into positions that may affect the development of our local coaches.

“ZIFA needs guidance as well on their part on how to make such decisions as they affect overall football development in the country,” added Manganyi.

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