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Blue card set to be introduced in football

A blue card is reportedly set to be introduced in football as part of a disciplinary measure during matches.

The new card will see players removed from the field for ten minutes and sent to sin bins if they commit a cynical foul or show dissent.

According to English outlet, The Telegraph, football lawmakers International Football Association Board (IFAB) will announce the revolutionary rule change on Friday, although it won’t be implemented at the top level straight away.

But the publication adds that elite trials could still begin as soon as next season.

The introduction of the blue card will be the first major disciplinary change since the introduction of yellow and red cards back in 1970.

How will the blue cards work

The new protocol will limit the new card to fouls that prevent a promising attack or counters with shirt pulls or other deliberate fouls plus dissent.

A player will be shown a red card if he/she receive two blue cards during a match or a combination of yellow and blue

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