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Jere: CAPS United targeting 2016 league title

CAPS United president Farai Jere says the club has achieved stability and are now looking to realise their potential both on and off the field.

Jere was speaking at CAPS United’s weekly press conference at East 24 earlier today (Thursday).

The event saw Jere officially introduce Nhamo Tutisani as a new shareholder.

The former board member now has a 20% stake at the club.

Tutisani becomes the 3rd shareholder of CAPS United after Farai Jere (60%) and Twine Phiri (20%).

Jere saluted Tutisani for his vision for the club and said he would help CAPS United achieve its objectives.

Jere also dismissed reports that Tutisani was sabotaging the team. Speaking about the club immediate ambitions Jere said, I assures fans of a super finish to the league.

‘Some records will be broken in the last few games said Jere, presumably talking about the looming Harare derby against rivals Dynamos in a couple of weeks’ time.

Jere also challenged CAPS United to win the 2016 league title. ‘We want to be back in Africa as well, the coaches have begun identifying players they want for next year said Jere.

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