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Chiyangwa submits ZIFA presidential election forms

Flamboyant businessman Philip Chiyangwa took his first big step in his bid to become the next ZIFA President when he filled in one of the required presidential candidates form.

Chiyangwa says he expects to fill in and submit the other forms.

Chiyangwa believes he is the man to turn around Zimbabwe’s football fortunes following the Cuthbert  Dube era where local football sunk to an all-time low.

Despite a number of individuals being linked to the top post none besides Chiyangwa has officially declared interest in the post.

PSL Chairman Twine Phiri, veteran commentator Charles Mabika as well as Trevor Carelse-Juul  who lost to Dube in the last elections.

Elections are set to take place on the 5th of December  with nominations open until the 5th of November.

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