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Mutuma given warm reception by Highlanders fans

Highlanders striker Rodreck Mutuma says he can’t wait to play for the club after being given a warm reception by the fans at Luveve Stadium this afternoon

Mutuma was set to feature in the match between Highlanders and Zambian side Power Dynamos which failed to take place this afternoon due to the persistent rains.

When the match was called former Dynamos striker stole the show as he went right round the perimeter fence to greet Highlanders fans.

‘I just like the support at Highlanders. They had come in their numbers and I must say, I nearly broke down in tears. To them I promise goals and more goals said an emotional Mutuma.

Highlanders had been expected to unleash their other two high profile signings Tambwe Kalunga and Manuel Esono Obiang Buale.

Power Dynamos played Chicken Inn on Saturday with the match ending in a 1-1 draw and are now set to round off their tour by taking on Bantu Rovers on Tuesday.

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