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Madinda Condemns Bosso Fans’ Violent Conduct

Highlanders coach Madinda Ndlovu castigated some sections of the Highlanders fans for violent behaviour which he says tarnishes the image of the team.

Bosso supporters invaded the bay housing Yadah fans towards the end of the match and attacked them for holding on to a match ball that had gone out of play.

“I don’t condone violence, and I want to speak in strongest terms against what those fans did on the terraces. That is not Highlanders, we want a Highlanders with dignity. No matter the result, fans should always behave in a human way,” said Ndlovu.

Two of the fans had to be restrained by the police as they tried to throw a Yadah supporter from the grandstand.

Highlanders’ performance was below-par and had goalkeeper Ariel Sibanda to thank after some telling saves in the second half which denied Yadah a win.


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