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Audio: Magaya admits Tapera was let go for not following instructions!

An audio of Prophet Magaya admitting he suspended Jairos Tapera for not following instructions has surfaced.

Magaya who is the owner of Yadah and Technical director slams Tapera for not taking his prophetic word and playing as instructed.

Jairos Tapera

Tapera was absent at Luveve as Yadah suffered a humiliating 7-2 defeat to Bantu Rovers as the decision to suspend him backfired in spectacular fashion .

In the audio Magaya who sounds like he is addressing a group of people says,  “He is no longer with the team I told him to go back to his house.

“If he is going to come back I have to be certain he is going to play me like that . He did it against Chapungu, I gave him instructions play this player ,play this one there. Then he goes to Chapungu and he swaps them.

According to the audio Magaya Tapera’s changed the team because of a dream he says he had. Magaya further reveals he ‘fired’ the assistants because they listened to Tapera .

“You take this coach’s dream over my prophetic word Magaya continues.

Listen to the audio here:

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